Sunday, 6 December 2015

Christmas Video


How much do you spend on Christmas? Have you ever thought about the starving people in the or world and how 30 billion  dollars would stop it, or how it would only cost 10 billion dollars to fix the world's drinking water problems? When America alone, spends 450 billion dollars on Christmas and produces 5 million tons of rubbish that gets emptied  into our world EVERY YEAR! Instead of spending money on stuff you DON'T need give the money to those who REALLY need it and instead make your family little things and spend time with them that they will enjoy more than the stuff they don’t need. The real reason for Christmas is to spend time with the people you love and celebrate the birth of Jesus. So instead of buying presents put together money and help the world. These are some of the reasons why to spend less on Christmas.

Pilot Essay

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