Sunday, 11 September 2016

Persuasive Writing - Pita Pit in Oamaru

I think we should have a Pita Pit in Oamaru.

Pita Pit is healthy because you see them cook the meat and make the smoothies. Also the salad looks fresh. In each smoothies there are 3 fruit. You get most of your 5+ a day in a Pita Pit and a smoothie.

 Pita Pit tastes good because it's fresh and healthy. I think it is 10 times better than Subway. There is also more variety with the salad and drinks. Plus the smoothies are made fresh.

I think we should have a Pita Pit in Oamaru because it is healthy and it tastes good. If you haven't tried Pita Pit you need to try it!

Pilot Essay

What job has the best office view, you can travel the world and you are helping others while doing your job? What is it? My dream job, a Pi...