Sunday, 30 August 2015

The Egg Challenge

For the last couple of weeks we have been doing the egg challenge. My class did it last year and really enjoyed it, so Fergus thought we should do it this year.

The egg challenge is a babysitting challenge.  You have to look after it like it is a baby, for eggsample, take it every where with you and try not to break it!  I built a little house with a bed and all the things in a room. I called him Eggcellent E, born in Rotorua and he was two yearsold.

Eggcalent E did not crack, but I did not take him everywhere as I was eggactly supposed to.  He lived his in his house at school, where he was safe.    At home he was in danger of the kitten, the whisk or the food mixer, or cracking his head on the mixing bowl.  He did come to swimming one day, which was not very eggciting.  At the end of the challenge I fed him to my dog Jess, because I think his brain was scrambled!

1 comment:

  1. I saw this amazing egg challenge take place in the school, it looked like it was really hard to keep alive. Well done Molly on keeping your egg without breaking. I don't think Nisha had as much luck with hers as I ate it for my breakfast, woops.


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