At the end of every term, of every lunchtime, of every morning tea we would grab our bikes and bike out to the glebe. We would find the perfect place by the bike path, with heaps of sticks and little pine cones to build our cafe. We would yell out to each other:
“Someone get the pinecones?”
“OK, I will!”
“Get the little sticks that were at that good place we normally get them from!”
“Someone already is!”
We would carry on yelling out to each other until we got everything we needed. Sometimes we already had the stuff from the previous day. We sorted them into piles, once we got everything. We had everything you ‘could’ get from a cafe! Like the coffee; the hot chocolate; the tea; the chocolate brownie. The bikers would bike through fast, slowing down -sometimes- when the went past us. The bikers would order the food and we would quickly rush to get them there food. We would say to pay with leaves or bark. Then they would bike off coming around the next time!