Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Hello, Kia Ora, Aloha, Nǐ hǎo, Ciao, Hola. Welcome to my blog, my name is Molly Whittaker! On this blog I will post school work, holidays and fun trips I have been on!! I hope you enjoy looking through my blog!
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Monday, 9 November 2015
Apparitions Of Mary
Sunday, 8 November 2015
Keeping Ourself Safe
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Architecture Essay
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Term 3 Reflection
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
My Next Learning Steps
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Friday, 11 September 2015
A Very Sad Moment
Paul - Apostle to the Gentiles - Who are you?
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Coming to Know God and The Moon
Sunday, 30 August 2015
The Egg Challenge
Country Research Challenge
- Hawaii has eight main islands: Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe and the Big Island of Hawaii.
- Hawaii is the only USA state that is getting bigger. This is because of the volcanic eruptions.
- Hawaii is the only state of America that grows coffee and one third of the world's supply of pineapples comes from Hawaii. Include some pictures and a map of Hawaii:
Sunday, 23 August 2015
African Art
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Between Having Heaps and Not Having Very Much
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
For The Love of Horses, by Kelly Wilson
Friday, 14 August 2015
Why We Should Have A Dog At School
You can read these on our Year 6 Blog.
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
When Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, they felt embarrassed that they were naked. God felt sorry for them so He sacrificed an animal, so that they could have some clothes to wear. We know that Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice because He sacrificed His life for us.
Monday, 10 August 2015
Cross Country
Saturday, 8 August 2015
My Character Profile - Vicki Wilson
Vicki would train and race, she would get a placing in most events. She would be calm and patient with the horses and even if she fell off them, she would still get back on and ride them. One time, she dislocated her should and she hung from the rafters to put it back. She is calm and tough.
The most recent thing Vicki and her sisters have done was save New Zealand's wild horses, the Kaimanawa horses, on the Kaimanawa hill range on the Central Plateau. They filmed what they did. Amanda was in charge of filming, Kelly job was taking photos and writing the book.
The sisters had to all train and compete in the first ever Kaimaniwa event. They had 80 days to turn wild horses into being able to be ridden and compete. Vicki came second and last in this event, the other two sisters placed as well.
I like Vicki, because she is the oldest, the boss of things and she is strong. She is really good at training horses and even if a horse bucks her off, she gets back on and keeps going.
I have the book For the Love of Horses. I really recomend this book because it goes back to when they were young and less fortunate than us and now they have become professional horse riders. It is $45 from Paper Plus.
2. The name ‘Viking means ‘a pirate raid’ in the Old Norse language.
3. Around 500 years before Christopher Columbus ‘discovered’ the American continent, Vikings had visited its shores, landing in what is now Canada in around AD 1000.
4. Among the many gods Vikings believed in were Thor, the god of thunder, and Loki, a cheeky mischief-maker who could shape-shift to become all different kinds of animals. What a beast!
5. The Vikings were expert boat builders and sailors. Keels – central spines along boats’ bottoms – made their 16 to 37m ‘longboats’ easy to steer, and because these were designed to float high in the water, landing on beaches was easy.
6. The Vikings were eco-pioneers – sort of! The ‘long houses’ where families lived would have turf roofs to help keep in the heat.
7. Fenrir Grayback, the werewolf in the Harry Potter books, was named after a ferocious giant wolf from ancient Viking mythology.
8. When important Vikings died, they would be placed with all their clothes, jewellery, even their animals, in a burial ship. This would either be covered with a huge mound of earth or set alight and pushed out to sea.
9. Bitter Scandinavian winters and frozen fjords didn’t stop the Vikings from tucking into their favourite food – fish! During warmer months they would hang up and dry fish to eat later.
10. Ever wondered where the word ‘berserk’ comes from? ‘Berserkers’ was the name of some terrifying Viking warriors who wore bear or wolf skins and howled in battle like wild animals!
Monday, 3 August 2015
God's Creation
Thursday, 30 July 2015
About Molly Whittaker
- Wishes
To: Have a lifestyle block, on the top of the Crown Hill Range. I would
ride horses and have heaps of animals like: horses, cows, sheep, dogs and
- Wants
To Be Like: The Wilson sisters and save the Kaimanawas, train them and
race them.
- Dreams
Of: Meeting Taylor Swift and the Wilson sisters: Vicki, Kelly and Amanda.
- Would
Like To: Have a design company called MoMo Design. I would sell
- Wonders
About: Flying all over the world and help the poor and sick, in less
fortunate countries than us.
- Fears:
Losing my family and snakes and crocodiles. Things I hate about snakes and
crocodiles are: they can eat you, they are scaly and ugly.
- Wonders
about: What it would like to be poor and live on the street.
- Believes:
"That if you put you head to it you can make it happen."
- Loves:
Family, dogs, cats, horses, friends, aeroplanes, swimming and school.
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Skiing, My Birthday, Ears Pierced and Baptism
On Tuseday this week it was my birthday. I turned eleven and I got heaps of presents like: For The Love Of Horse, a runing tee-shirt, Sharpies, water colour pencils and a trip to Melbourne to see Taylor Swift. (She had to put on another show because it was so popular.)
On Wednesday I got my ears periced. I got them because I learnt all my times tables. They did not hurt. I got these silver balls. I have to put this oil around my ear pierce, so it doesn't get infected.
On Thursday I got baptised in front of the whole school. My Mum and Dad were there and my God parents are Miss Huls and Anna Martin. I felt special, because I did it with the school. I got a present from Miss Huls and it was a necklace with a cross on it. I got a candle, another cross neackless and a certificate. I left the oils on my head for the whole day because they smell so good.
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
Poetry Activity Week 11
1. Summarise what the poem is all about (at least 3 sentences- what the author?)
2. Chose the most POWERFUL word in the poem and create a list of SYNONYMS
3. Find an image on the internet (google images) that represents your poem
4. Write your own poem based on the chosen poem that is OPPOSITE
5. Search for a poem with a SIMILAR THEME/MESSAGE
2. BATTLE, fight, attack, war, bombing, warfare and clash.
Quiet, peace the sound was defining,
The grass was soft,
A butterfly was flying past,
I love this life.
Sunday, 28 June 2015
Highlights Of Term 2
Thursday, 25 June 2015
Rat's Toy I Made
My Poetry Response.
What is the Colour?
What is pink? A strawberry is pink
Brought in a Farmers market.
What is red? A tomatoes red
Growing on the vine.
What is blue? A blueberries blue
Growing bigger and bigger.
What is white? White chocolate is white
Made by Whittaker's chocolate.
What is yellow? Bananas are yellow,
Rich and ripe and mellow.
What is green? A cucumber is green,
nice and long and narrow.
What is violet? Grapes are violet,
round and small.
What is orange? Why, an orange,
Just an orange!
This poem is like What is Pink? By Christina Rossetti.
My Dream Bedroom
Pilot Essay
What job has the best office view, you can travel the world and you are helping others while doing your job? What is it? My dream job, a Pi...
Title: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Author: J.K.Rowling Genre: Fiction. Magic/Fantasy/Mystery Harry Pot...
Viki is very talented. She has two sisters Amanda and Kelly. When she was young she did not have very much money. She had to work very ha...
What is deadly, you use it just once, often for thirty minutes, it floats away like a parachute and it ends up in the world’s biggest float...