Saturday, 29 July 2017

The Sir Peter Blake Award!

On the last day of school for Term 2, The Sir Peter Blake Award was handed out. I was the person from my class who had got it. If you don't know who Sir Peter Blake is he sailed around the 5 times! He also competed in the America's Cup 3 times. The first time he won the America's Cup for New Zealand he wore the famous "Red Socks". The "Red Socks" were a present from his wife and when ever he wore them good things happened. Sadly he got killed by pirates in the Brazil seas. He was on a mission with some other scientists to find out about climate change. He said climate change was bad back in 2000, imagine what it’s like now 17 years later. In the pack I got: A book - The Story of Sir Peter Blake by Tessa Duber, A Medal, A pair of red socks and a certificate. I was nominated by Mrs Baird last year and also Mrs Frances-Rees.  “Molly is a fantastic role model, who uses her initiative and is always willing to help others.  She is a fantastic leader who is very organised, she comes up with new ideas and thinks about all the detail so they run successfully.  She relates well to children of all ages and is very dedicated to her leadership role.”

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